I’m really pleased to announce that Evie Hartley has been selected for the British Cycling National School of Racing (NSR) Foundation.

The National School of Racing-Foundation (NSR-Foundation) programme is designed to identify, develop, and confirm a cohort of riders annually onto the Great Britain Cycling Team Academy programmes.

This is absolutely fantastic for Evie and just rewards for all of the hard work and dedication she’s put in to her cycling. We would also like to acknowledge the incredible support Velospeed Coaching have given Evie over the last 12months with bespoke training programmes and general support with her cycling and racing. This has been possible through the continued support of our club sponsors:

Hammonds Coaches

Frank Knighton Suite Choices

Morley Hayes

Available Car

And following our call for further support to enable us to continue supporting our athletes I’m very happy to welcome two new sponsors:

Bowmer & Kirkland

Salt Dog Cycling

This has enabled us to engage with the Derbyshire Institute of Sport (DIS) and access some of the fantastic services they have to offer.

We continue to strive to provide the best possible coaching and services for our athletes in line with our ambition for one or more of our young cyclists to reach the highest levels in competitive cycling.

If you would like to join our current sponsors and be part of our ambitious journey, please contact:

