We’re super excited to invite all of our members to our coveted awards evening this year!
Awards Night Sun 26th Nov 23 – avoid missing out and book today.
Supported by DeSquared Studies and Sponsored by Morley Hayes. Tickets are £10 per adult and under 16’s FREE.
There will be an optional 80’s theme for anyone wanting to go in fancy dress!
An additional partner and or siblings for the youth awards are welcome.
Reception 15:00
Youth Awards 15:30 – 16:30
Music food and refreshments 16:30 – 17:00
Adults Awards 17:00 – 18:30
Music plus more food and refreshments! 18:30-onwards
Morley Hayes will be generously hosting us again for ICC’s 6th annual Awards party.
The event will run around 3pm-7pm for a relaxed & friendly early evening celebrating all things cycling related from the past 12 months. It’s a tour covering awards ranging from best win, to best crash, to most improved and the prestigious of all awards….. yep best dressed and worst dressed!
Food will be provided curtesy of our generous hosts together with the very welcoming and comfortable venue.
The first section will be for youth academy awards and then transition to the adults.
There will be a limited number of tickets available so to avoid disappointment & book on early!
Looking forward to seeing both old and new friends of the club.