Thank you!

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the club!
We’re delighted to be able to offer a number of sponsorship tiers to enable all prospective sponsors to support the club whilst earning a return on their investment

If you would like to go ahead with a specific tier below, please reach out to your club contact or drop us a line on

Please review our sponsor tiers below:

Tier 1

No financial contribution

Discounts or exclusive products/services provided to our paid members

  • Announcement on social media (over 2000 followers) of new partner
  • Inclusion in internal club communications
  • Play a part in leaving a legacy of cycling in the town/region
  • Inspire more people to get fit and active

Tier 2

£ 250 – £500 per annum

Runs in line with our memberships (Jan-Jan)

  • All listed perks of Tier 1
  • Listed on the ICC website sponsors page with logo & tracked link back
  • Money will be used to provide the platform for people to connect with each other and improve their mental and physical well being
  • Invest in the next generation and engage youngsters in sport
  • Help our talent reach the highest level in the sport within the next 5 years

Tier 3

£ 500 – £1,000 per annum

Runs in line with our memberships (Jan-Jan)

  • All listed perks of Tier 2
  • Invited to club events with space to exhibit with gazeebo/stand
  • Listed on ICC website homepage “Sponsors & Partners” section
  • Listed on ICC website sponsors page with logo, short description & tracked link back

Tier 4

£ 1,000 – £1,500 per annum

Runs in line with our memberships (Jan-Jan)

  • All listed perks of Tier 3
  • Small logo displayed in a non-prominent location on newly ordered club kit
  • Sponsor provided marketing shown at club events
  • Invitation for 3 sponsor representatives to our coveted awards night

Tier 5

£ 1,500 – 2,500+ per annnum

Runs in line with our memberships (Jan-Jan)

  • All listed perks of Tier 4
  • Large logo displayed on (new) club kit in a prominent location
  • Logo displayed on social media header images/banners
  • Logo displayed on official publications from the club (where appropriate)
  • Invitation for 5 sponsor representatives to our coveted awards night with an optional display table
  • Exclusive rights to sponsor an ICC event (such as the Boxing Day Hill Climb)

Terms and conditions:

Sponsorship contributions:
ICC require that all prospective sponsors agree to provide the funding upfront and in full in order to fulfil the chosen tier, the sponsor is then valid for up to one year, running the entirety of the “membership term” which in our case is 1st January (of the current year) to 31st December (of the same year).

Sponsors are able to sign up for multiple membership terms however the same duration for the first term applies, no “credit” or “balance” is carried forward from the first membership term.
For example; a sponsor signs up in August of the current year for a term of 2 years, the sponsor term will run August of the current year, renewing for the 2nd term on 1st January of the following year until 31st December of the that year.

Sponsorship appearances:
Any appearance at a club event must be agreed in advance with the club secretary/event co-ordinator to avoid conflict with other sponsors or when exclusive rights are sought for Tier 5 sponsors.

Logos displayed on club kit:
Any alterations made to official club kit only take affect once this is officially accepted by British Cycling, previous kit with current or prior sponsors can still be worn by all members of the club and there are no requirements for club members to purchase new kit following a new sponsor.

Sponsors have the option to provide funding for kit or equipment for specific areas of the club (social/race/youth academy etc) however no requirement will be made for club members to wear the kit or to use that equipment in place of existing fit for purpose kit/equipment without prior arrangement with the club secretary/event co-ordinator.

Exclusive rights to sponsor events:
We are delighted to be able to offer our Tier 5 sponsors the opportunity to exclusively sponsor our high profile events, to ensure fairness with our other sponsors, excusive rights are assigned on a first come, first serve basis and is booked through the club secretary/event co-ordinator.

Exclusive rights do not take priority over other sponsors when a lower tier sponsor has already been approved to be present at an event prior to exclusive rights being requested, in this case, the Tier 5 sponsor is invited to be the headline sponsor however the lower tier sponsor is still welcome at the event under the terms agreed with them and the club secretary/event co-ordinator.

Whilst Ilkeston Cycle Club endeavours to ensure that the above benefits are available to be utilised, the club offers no guarantees or warranties that such may be possible every time the sponsor wishes to do so.
Ilkeston Cycle Club makes no warranty as to its own continuation or performance as a club, all sponsorships will be agreed upon an “as-is” basis.

If you have any further questions around the terms and conditions of sponsorship, please get in touch on